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Mayo Clinic Laboratories

Test ID NBLD0379 Fetal Rupture Membrane Screen


AmniSure, ROM Test

Specimen Type/Requirements

Provider collected. Using the collection kit provided by the laboratory, collect a sample of vaginal secretions using Dacron swab. Insert the swab 2-3 inches into the vagina. Withdraw after 1 minute. Place swab in solvent vial and rotate for 1 minute. Discard swab. Send labeled vial to the laboratory immediately.

Specimen Volume

Preferred Volume Entire collection solvent
Minimum Volume 1.0 mL solvent


Room Temperature 30 minutes post-collection


Preferred for Transport

Refrigerated 6 hours post collection  
Frozen N/A  


Performed Test Frequency

Monday through Sunday


Solid phase chromatographic membrane immunoassay

Performing Lab

Sanford Laboratories Fargo- Core Lab